1 - The plan is for my student loan debt to be COMPLETELY GONE by May, hopefully by April :)
2 - The plan is to exercise for 40 minutes 3 times a week. I know everyone says this every year, but I am serious. I have not liked what has happened to my body since working full time (I know it's not awful, but it's not where I want to be).
3 - I plan to be more conscious and careful of packing lunches ahead of time so I am not as tempted to eat out during school.
4 - It seems I have a proactive visiting teaching partner now. I think with her help, I can plan to be a better visiting teacher.
5 - As of today, I have 2 callings. Which I have done nothing with up until now (I haven't been trained on the first one...ever...). I am excited to actually become a more involved part of my ward.
6 - I, in the last few weeks, have been thinking seriously of working towards living 100% on my own. Not that I don't love my roommates, I do. But I would rather get to a point that I know I could make it on my own without the help of other people. So, once the student debt is gone, the only other debt I will have is some to my parents for college expenses and my car. I want to start working on the Dave Ramsey baby steps.
7 - As I stated earlier in the week, I want to work on journaling more often. I have already thought of ways to do this more effectively and plan to work on that.
8 - The bestie and I made a blog a long time ago to chronicle our foodie adventures. We have made a grand total of two posts... ever. I plan to aid in fixing that.
9 - It was pointed out to me that I don't take enough time to take care of myself. I plan to work on that as well - hopefully one night a week, maybe one night per fortnight. I'll work on it. Whether it's going out and taking pictures (like the one I'm adding to the bottom of the post), getting a massage, going home to take a bath, or whatever I need to do.
Anyway, I'm excited to begin the process of making these goals happen. I plan on taking the next couple of days and mapping out these goals. Thanks for the support you all give me each and every day :)
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