Tuesday, January 31, 2012


On Friday I got to spend the whole day with my best friend - Shayla. I am convinced that we must have been friends in the preexistence or something and knew that we would need each other here on earth. That may sound stupid or crazy to you, but I don't know what I would have done if I had never known her.

We had never met before our freshman year of college - she grew up in Idaho and I in Utah. We were paired together as roommates in Valley View Tower at Utah State, an all girl dorm style part of campus. Our first bonding moment was unforgettable. I, being a music major, was doing aural homewrk and was humming downward intervals, and then she added one. It sounded familiar, and we realized we had inadvertently hummed something from Phantom of the Opera, which we both happened to really like.

We've been almost inseparable ever since.

Going through life we have both had our share of trials and other things to go through. I have never doubted for a moment that she would be there for me if I needed her. I can tell her things I never tell anyone else. She is the best friend anyone could ever ask for and I am grateful for her every day.

Love you, sis.

1 comment:

  1. Love you too sis! And dito to everything above that you just said back at you! EmShay forever! LOL!
