Thursday, November 1, 2012

What Have They Done To You?

Once upon a time, a friend of mine posted a facebook status that intrigued me but I never commented on. I didn't because I didn't want to cause a war and I didn't have the most amazing thing to write, anyway. Well, I think I have an answer - but first, the post.

(It was something to this effect...) I just want to know what exactly has President Barack Obama done to you, personally, to make you hate him so much? He made it so I could have a house and a few other things. Frankly, I think he's done fine by me!

I really wish I could find the original post. But you get the picture.

I have a few answers and then some questions.

1. President Barack Obama has openly lied to the American people, one of whom happens to be ME.
a. Benghazi?? Lie after lie after lie.
i. He told America that all he knew was that there was trouble and they weren't sure of what nature. We have since found that he and several others in the white house had intel saying that there was an attack, that navy seals had been begging to save their fellow Americans and been ordered not to do so, that it was a pre-planned terrorist attack, and other such things. And what did he tell Americans? AND the UN?? It was because of a video made to mock Islam. FALSE.
b. Did you watch any of the debates?
i. He told American voters that the reason that gas prices were $1.87 when he entered office was that the economy was on the brink of collapse. How does that even make sense??
ii. He lied about oil and energy. He has shut down refineries and plants and put many out of work and made us dependent on foreign oil and energy sources.
c. You didn't build that.
d. Where are those shovel - ready jobs?
e. Make it easier to go to college? My eye! I fought hard, worked 2 - 3 jobs while working on a double major and still have student debt that I am desperately trying to get rid of, but since there aren't many jobs around it's even worse!
f. Why WON'T he release his college transcripts?
i. Either he is lying about his citizenship...or...
ii. He is lying about how he received college aide.

2. He said when he was running for office last election that if he didn't fix the economy and all of that jazz in three years, that this would be a one term proposition. I'm just holding him to his own standard he set for himself 4 years ago.

3. He thinks that hiring more math and science teachers will help the economy.
a. Where will the money come from to pay these people? We are already trillions in debt.
b. Teachers don't grow the economy. Don't get me wrong, I AM a teacher. And I am passionate about education. But making more teachers will not boost the economy. Yes, it will train our children (future leaders, if you will) in math and science, but then what?? It just puts more people in the work force without money to pay them.

4. He said four years ago when he was running for office that attacking your opponent on small issues shows a weak campaign. he said that is what happens when you have no record to run on. Hmmm......
a. Big Bird.
b. Romney is going to push grandma off a cliff.
c. Voting for Obama should be compared to losing your virginity.
d. Imaginary 5 trillion dollar tax cut.
e. Republicans are going to magically take away all birth control.

5. "I will have more flexibility after the next election...transfer that to Vladimir..." Uh...Vladimir Putin? NO THANK YOU!!

This is just a sampling of what he has personally done to me. Mostly, I do NOT appreciate being flat out lied to. And neither should you. I don't think we're heading in a good direction.

Now, my questions for you ...

1. What has Governor Romney done to you PERSONALLY to make you hate him so much?

2. What do you really think Republicans believe in? Ask me, I'll let you know!

3. What do you really think Mormons believe in? Ask me, I'll let you know!

Election day is coming so quickly! PLEASE...think responsibly before you vote.

If you post anything rude, hateful, or combative, I will delete it. If you have a different opinion and state it in a non-combative and well thought out manner, I will not delete it.
